IELTS preparation (with native speaker)

What is it?

In this course, our native speaker will guide you through all four of the IELTS papers and help you get the score you need. This course will help you fully familiarise yourself with the requirements of the exam and best practises to achieve your potential.

Who is it for?

This course is for both complete IELTS beginners and those who’ve attempted the exam multiple times - there’s always improvements to be made and this course will discover what they are and how to deal with them.

Contents of the course

Together with our native speaker, you will:

1. Learn about the exam, what it includes and what you need to do.
2. Try it out and work out your strengths and weaknesses.
3. Target those weaknesses and work out how to improve them.
2. Попробуйте и выясните свои сильные и слабые стороны.
3. Сможете улучшить свои слабые стороны, чтобы наилучшим способом показать себя на экзамене.

This will include:

IELTS Speaking

Focusing on the four key criteria – vocabulary, grammar, fluency and coherence, and pronunciation – and development of each within the three tasks: personal dialogue, presentation and discussion.

IELTS writing

Developing your usage of the four key criteria – vocabulary, grammar, task achievement, and coherence and cohesion – to ensure your response to each of the two tasks achieves your potential.

IELTS reading

Learning about each of the diverse comprehensive activities and how to approach them most efficiently, as well as how to employ reading skills such as skimming, scanning, inferring and deducing from context, to get as much from the text as you can.

IELTS listening

Familiarising you with the four distinct parts – transactional conversation, informational talk, discussion and lecture - of the Listening exam and how you can best prepare for each. Learning how to listen for numbers, addresses and spelling as well as how to avoid being misled by distractions in the recordings.

Benefits of the IELTS with native speaker course

• Be coached by a native speaker with years of experience teaching, marking and writing training materials for IELTS.

• Improve exam strategies such as skimming, scanning, mind maps, time management and organisation of ideas.

• Focus particularly on natural British English pronunciation, appropriate vocabulary and use of discourse markers and signposting to noticeably boost your speaking band.

• Learn from a teacher who takes a personalised approach and whose focus is always on the needs of the individual.